Young Ones and Wee Bears

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bean Starling

Bean Starling is the youngest sister of Leona Starling and second daughter of Walter Starling. Unlike Leona, who's into fashion and tea parties, Bean portrays as an aggressive, hot-headed tomboy. Bean is a skilled martial arts fighter, despite being 7-years old. She loves things rough and tough, and is not afraid to get into a fight, this is seen where she and Leona are arguing about their differences. But overall, Bean is nice and sometimes calm down to think about her actions.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Rinnie Borne Bio

Rinnierva Cobalt Borne, known as Rinnie to her friends, was born on September 10, 2010 in Phoneix, Arizona. Now 3 years old, she becomes a curious, playful child of Janet and Arthur Borne.

Rinnie is also known for her bravery; when circumstances occur,  such as prending to meet a bullying dragon, she would braverly stands up and scolds at him. She can be a tomboy at times, but still has the sweetness of a little girl.

Bo, Rinnie's friend, is the polar opposite of Rinnie. While Rinnie can be fiesty and doesn't learn how to talk yet, Bo is smart, and is known for his shyness, espescially when he has a instant crush on Rinnie. Rinnie at times is unaware of his feelings.

Lila, Rinnie's fashion-loving gal pal, can also talk, but can be irritated at times when a problem rises, even when Bean, a cocky yet funny playboy, tries to kiss her.

Charlie, a tall African kid, is the unoffical leader of the group and is the voice of reason to Rinnie's friends.

Rinnie can be notebly kind-hearted at times, for instance, when a baby catepillar is learning how to crawl and can't get up, Rinnie showed him how to get back on his feet.

Rinnie is also known to be extremely ticklish, espesically to her barefeet.

She also has a doctor friend, named Dr. Jinmay Wallace, who she often takes care of her patients in the play room. Jinmay is known to be serious at times, but still has her mothery side to others, even to Rinnie's friends.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Toes N' Shoes


I'm going to be writing, as well as designing, my first story treatment for a book. "Toes N' Shoes"
will be the working title. Notice: the demographic range is ages 14-20 and is targeted for a female audience.

I hope +TOMS will love my concept.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Leona Starling (The One and Only!)

Hi +YouTube

Besides the creation of +Rinnie Borne ,  I drew a sketch of a millionairess, with gorgeous raven-hair and a nasty attitude towards people.

Created in 2007, to be precise, the concept to "Leona $tarling"was mainly about a girl who was force to learn between redemption and greed. The story was reworked over the years (2007-2012)

The inspiration for the Leona character was based off of Veronica Lodge, Miss Piggy, Rarity (MLP), you name it!

Part Two Coming Soon!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Working for Disney Baby Store

I'm a kid at heart at times, especially when it comes to children. It takes responsibility and effort of taking care of your child. This is why I decided to work for +Disney Store 's baby section because I think it may be a start for me and it can help me get a experience of being a loving parent.

Here's a note I'm sending to them:

To Disney Baby, 

I looked at your site and saw your products. I never knew how a infant could be happy when they first see Disney Baby Store just waiting for them. I would like to work for your company because I'm sure to make a young one smile and 
to bring happiness in me, too. I'm very good at making flyers (I take Fashion Merchandising courses). 

Justin Jones

Thank you +Disney

Friday, February 8, 2013

Rinnie Borne Video

Hi guys! Justin Jones here,

I drew and play the part as Rinnie Borne through my iMovie cam. You may notice the imitation of Rinnie didn't catch me, but I let it lid (chuckle)

Enjoy! +YouTube  +Nickelodeon


Rinnie Borne: Jussy silly!

Justin Jones: Ah, shut up and get me off the frickin stage, Rin! 

Rinnie Borne: (giggles)


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Part 2: Why Rinnie Was Borne?

"The idea came to me when I was drawing a picture of a cute, blonde-haired toddler: a little girl named Carmen Newlywed. Now I named her Rinnie Borne, because she was born 6 weeks before Jesus Christ's birth." - Justin Jones

Hello +My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,

The idea behind Rinnie Borne's adventures was no easy challenge. Over a numerous years I drew little girl protagonists in my stories (such as a brat named Whinny Sally, a mischievous tot who can speak  her own name "Wello", etc.)

Now Part 3 Comes an interesting topic! Check it out soon!

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